Onsies, Twosies, Threesies....

Today would have been my Mom's 80th Birthday. Staggering. I can't even begin to imagine what she would look like at 80. She's been gone for a 25 years, long years that somehow went quickly. She always said that the days may drag but the years fly by & she was right.
On my desk sits one of my most treasured items, a little blue crock that holds a ball & jacks & for some unknown reason one marble. These were my mom's, she loved to play jacks, just one of the zillion things to love about her!


24 years ago today I got the greatest gift I could have ever wished for, a beautiful, Incredibly smart, amazingly talented, all round wonderful daughter…and it wasn’t even my birthday! How lucky am I!Some Photos from"Back in the day!"1.) One day old Callan with Joe (2.) Hey it was the 80’s so no laughing at my glasses! (3.) My 2 favorite “girls” my mom & Callan (4.) Cal’s 1st birthday with Joe & cousin Patrick (5.) Cal’s 6th Birthday.

These guys ROCK!

What do you get the woman who doesn’t really have every thing but doesn’t really need any thing either? Much to the dread of the men in my life (husband & son) the answer is to make her something! I took this photo about 20 years ago in the hall of an old tee shirt factory and I’ve hung on to it because it always makes me chuckle. My idea is to have the family each paint a rock for my garden, what a “rockin” Mother’s day present that will be!


Happy 12th Birthday to my niece Abigail! Abby is a young artist that loves to draw horses. Me; I'm an old artist that never draws horses, but in honor of her big day I gave it a go.

Ignore the SNOW falling! SPRING is here!!!

I count down to March 20th like a kid would count down to Christmas; not because it's my birthday but because it's the first day of spring! Aside from a handmade card from my favorite card maker Callan, is there a better birthday present than longer, warmer, sunnier days!

Despite her jet lag Callan once again rose to the occasion with this wonderful card. I've had the privilege of a sneak preview of all her sketches & photos from her Amsterdam & Paris trip so check out her blog to see for yourself

Check the brakes, fill the tires, we have another 25 to go...

If you’re like my son you may be wondering...”What’s with the bike theme?” Back in the day... when I was young & single & lived on flat land at the beach I was an avid bike rider. For out first date Joe asked me to go on a bike ride. It wasn’t until much later that I found out he had to go out & buy a bike to go on that date! Not to worry though, It was a worthwhile investment; we have been riding ever since!

Anyone who knows Joe knows he doesn’t ask for much... but for as long as I can remember he has been asking me to design a tattoo for him. When he finallly gave up on me he started asking Callan on a regular basis. So this is not only for Joe but also for Callan (for all you do for me consider yourself off the hook now!)

How “tweet” is Callan? I’ll tell you...she is the “tweetest” person I know! Oh & she is also the best card maker too! Love it & you Cal, thanks!